Part of me is grieving for the America I believed the country was created to be,
the one where the poor and the oppressed were welcomed and aided, were grateful to be here and sought to assimilate,
where "anybody" could become President (or Congressperson, or mayor) and money didn't buy the political offices of the land.
One where science was respected and acknowledged as the way to a great future, where people didn't pollute their Earth home,
were polite to each other and
learned from their differences.
An America where the poor and elderly, the mentally and physically ill, weren't blamed for their situations but assisted with the most basic needs of life.
A country where the President was respected and didn't
make a fool of himself to all the world.
You know -- the America I wish I could leave
to this little guy and the rest of our grandchildren.
I care so deeply about these issues and scramble to avoid succumbing
So, last night after the summer crowds left for dinner we sat on the beach.

The beach is our go-to thinking place.
We weren't alone, there were a few families left, taking photos, playing in the waves, walking purebred fancy dogs, walking mutts, speaking Spanish, speaking English. People who were a rainbow of colors (mostly red - from sunburn!) smiling at the children (one little guy would not keep his swimsuit on!), greeting each other
on a gorgeous clean beach, the surf in front of us, a spectacular array of clouds above, the sunset behind.
I thought about Leonard Cohen (1934-2016), a Canadian, who wrote some pretty wonderful songs and poems about America's democracy. He believed that the achieving of it was an ongoing thing and that democracy wouldn't be put right through governments and laws but through the protestors and left-behind workers of the heartland, the oppressed women from the deserts (Middle East), the feminists, and the real Christians, the ones who patterned their lives on Jesus.
Sail on, sail on, he sang,
Oh mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squall of Hate.
Sail on, sail on.
Need, greed, hate -- they are rampant and it's gonna be a rough trip.
I do hope we make it through, and soon!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
We don't have any celebration plans. Too many traffic jams and tourists, the family picnic is in the Midwest, 1300 miles away. We'll go to the gym, grill some turkey brats and corn on the cob, and go about our regular Tuesday business.
Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy your day.