“As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.”
– Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Vote. VOTE. VOTE. Not only for President but for Congress. Not only for national but for state and local leaders where people, women people, get their start in politics. Vote for school board and dog catcher and coroner. Educate yourself. Read both sides. Use your best judgment and
Moved to do more? Here are some addresses for organizations that are doing postcard campaigns to remind people to vote. You add a personal message and drop them in the mail. Most provide postage so you won’t even have to spend a cent. There are more at local and state levels also.
“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."
"To make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. That's what I think a meaningful life is. One lives not just for oneself, but for one's community."