Friday, October 30, 2020

BOO! Some Scary Stuff

  Halloween won’t be the same this year.  The usual Halloween activities, mostly sponsored by churches in our town, have been cancelled because of Covid so we don’t know what to expect.  We will put wrapped candy on a table in the driveway, wear masks, and wave at the little trick-or-treaters from the porch if any come.  

  Downtown merchants and some of the historic houses downtown have some fun spooky Halloween displays up.  

Oops!  Dang fence! 

Really spooky at night, I bet, as this is all lit up.

Witch flying on a leaf blower pulling a skateboarding skeleton and his cat, officer clocking her speed with a radar gun.  Or is the skeleton surfing, hence the jumping fish??  
And, is she the same witch (above) who  crashed into the fence up the block?

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 



  1. Some folks really get into the spirit of decorating for Oct 31. Maybe being at home brought more thought to decorations.

  2. Well as it has 'somewhat" taken off here in Australia, it will be interesting to see
    if kids are out and about.
    One hope sense prevails, on Anzac Day here this year without the usual marching parades etc.
    the Aussie citizens recreated a new concept of Anzac dawn services. They stood - APART - due to Covid 19
    at sun-up with candles in front of their homes. It was really amazing to see on TV.
    So important events in countries can be done with health care foremost considered.
    Which of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is "your chief medical expert" - Dr. Trump???
    Probably the whole bloody 4!!!!

  3. Halloween will be different but people at your place are showing great creativity with decorations.

  4. Happy Halloween! :) Chance used to love all the company that evening...I bet Bob barks too!

    1. Bob loves the kids, too, and strangely, never barks at them. Anyone else who comes to the door any other day, she sounds like she is demented. That is, until we open the door and then she can’t wait to get to them to get petted. Craaazy border collies!

  5. My some people do go to a lot of trouble.
    We don't celebrate down here as the Americans do.
    Have a nice evening.

  6. They make a lot of work of it, looks rather lurid to me. we don't "celebrate" this here.

  7. I just hope you get rid of the scariest monster of all on Tuesday. You will find him in the White House, surrounded by a cast of gremlins and trolls....Kushner, Pence, Pompeo, Melania, Meadows, Don, Jr..............Time for them all to go!

  8. HAPPY HALLOWEEN Cynthia. Those really are some scary looking things!

  9. Oh my gosh! These are so cool. It's so much holiday fun for everybody. Thank you for sharing these great photos.

  10. Hi Cynthia, sorry for the long absence -I've not been reading any blogs, been too busy! Wow those Halloween displays are amazing aren't they! You don't get anything like that following for Halloween here. I've been thinking of you there in these crazy times. Keep safe, fingers crossed for a good outcome this week.

  11. Wow they really get into the decorations for Halloween.

  12. Fantastic and creative Halloween decor. Wow.

  13. Hope your Halloween wasn't too much of a damp squib! I hope you get to hug an elephant one day!!! That will seem a totally random comment for those not reading my post haha!
    Wren x
