Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Testing 1-2-3!!

  For some reason, my photos disappear a few days after I post them which is, of course, frustrating! I am attempting to figure out the problem, so this one is a test. 

  It was taken Sunday on the beautiful South Carolina Black River at Pump House Landing. The rusty old water pump was still on its foundation on the river bank with the inscription, Fairbanks Morse. That pump was manufactured at the Fairbanks factory in the small Wisconsin town I grew up in! Three of my close relatives were lifetime employees of Fairbanks Morse. Two others were my grandma and her sister who during World War II joined the legions of Rosie the Riveters manufacturing parts for Allied war planes.  I have many memories of holiday parties given for employees’ children — including my sister and me! 

Wondering if anyone else has had the experience of their photos disappearing from Blogger a day or two after publication? If so, have you figured out what is going on? 


  1. No idea! Blogger sometimes has a mind of it's own. Check to make sure that your photos are .JPG did you change anything??

  2. No me ha ocurrido nunca. Lo que si he notado, es que algunos comentarios que han hecho, no me han entrado en mi blog y casualmente me los encontré en la lista de spam. Ahora miro los comentarios diariamente y la mayoría de días tengo que rescatar los que me encuentro en la lista de spam.
    Precioso paisaje, veo en tu foto de pruebas.
    Encantada de saludarte.

  3. Interesting pump memorial! Linda in Kansas

  4. Interesting you should say that as I have missed a number of posts. They appear on my reading list but when i try to click on them i am told that page doesn't exist. That piece of machinery holds so many memories for you. What a find.

  5. Trying to figure out what blogger does is an exercise in total frustration. There seems to be no logic to it at all.

  6. First photo is so lovely, peaceful - love it. The old pump, it's interesting.
    Problem with the comments sometimes, many go into the trash, always look everyday. Some people can't comment on my blog, but they keep trying and eventually they can. Never had photos disappear as yet. Blogger does have a mind of it's own at times.

  7. One explanation for photos disappearing can happen if one has had them hosted an an external site, and then deleted them from that external site after uploading to your blog. That is a different issue than photo upload limit that I have with my blog.

  8. Have you exceeded your photo storage space? I know I pay extra to store photos I think. It's pretty cheap.

  9. Well your photos are still here now. I have problems uploading photos in the right order but can't help you with your problem.

  10. I've had other problems with blogger which made me crazy, but not that one... so far.

  11. No posts for some time. Hope you are okay.

  12. I hope you're able to resolve the issue with your disappearing photos, as they offer valuable glimpses into your personal history and connections.

    Thank you for sharing this snapshot of your past, and I wish you the best in your efforts to preserve and document your family's story.

    Check out my new post!

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