we went adrift a bit, frightened, anxious, twitchy, unable to concentrate. 

And my favorite ...
We don't get out of our PJs as quickly as we did BC (Before Corona) (unless it’s senior day at the grocery store, 6-7a.m. Tuesdays).
I linger over the blogs I read, obsessively stalk the birds in our yard. Saturday night we had a fifteen minute hoot-off between two barred owls outside our bedroom window. It was awesome! Did you know owls bark?
I have more time to read books, more time to enjoy a Facebook book group I’m in and offer more than a “like”. I have deleted some news sources and added a group on “slow stitching” for inspiration.
The state parks we frequent have closed with their hiking trails and beautiful beaches. I miss my favorite trees! The small beach we still have access to will likely close any day.
Our walks now are in our quiet neighborhood and we have a new appreciation for our local sunrises. This morning on Winyah Bay ....
The grandboys are home from school, their parents working from home, and with extra time for family we have discovered Marco Polo, a free and easy app for leaving video messages for each other. Guess who learned to ride his two-wheeler!
... and use the mixer to make cookies!
The worst has not hit us here in our state yet. Sadly, our governor still has not given the “shelter in place” order so it is expected that we will be one of the states with high illness and death rates. Mayors and town councils are trying to close down public places now on their own but are being threatened by the state Attorney General with lawsuits for “overstepping their authority”.
It’s a mess.
What can we do but laugh?
And my favorite ...