It’s another dark, dreary, rainy day here so thought I’d pass along some laughs to brighten things up.
🎈You don’t need spurs on both boots. If one side of a horse starts to run, so will the other.
🎈The fact that jellyfish have survived for millennia despite not having brains gives hope to many people.
🎈Confidence is that feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
🎈Stop trying to make everybody happy. You aren’t chocolate.
🎈I got a GPS so I’d always know where I am. Now I just need something to tell me why I came here.
🎈Don’t be embarrassed about who you are. That’s your children’s job.
🎈Fun fact: Alcohol increases the size of the “send” button by 75%.
We have had a bumper crop of birds at our feeders this year, probably because of the mild winter we are having. Really, why travel all the way to Mexico or South America if you don’t have to, eh?
These brightly colored puffs of feathers, especially the orioles, warblers, and bluebirds, who chose to stick around South Carolina provide us many, many hours of entertainment during this endless pandemic. In exchange they get a daily banquet of sunflower seeds, suet nuggets, peanut butter, meal worms, and grape jelly in endless quantities.
Bob the Border Collie provides another welcome source of amusement. She must have all her walks of course,
a car ride now and then, and
her favorite Trader Joe’s
peanut butter dog cookies.
Almost every night she puts on a show
with her toys,
flipping them in the air,
flinging them into our surprised laps,
chasing them across
the hardwood floors.
The Writer badly needed a new desk chair. We don’t go into stores these days because of Covid so he had to take his chances ordering one on line. I was not a part of this process and was a little taken aback when the new chair arrived in this box.
Is he planning to join Bob in her evening races across the hardwood floors or what?!!
Oh, that’s not all! The chair cushion sets off a vibration under his derrière when he has been sitting still for 50 minutes to inform him he has been sitting too long for his own good. To stop the vibrating, he has to get up and move away. And if the stress of writing is getting to him, the chair’s little electric massage fingers are loosed on his back at the touch of another button!
No surprise he says it is the best chair he has ever had!

My daughter keeps us supplied with Mason photos. Here he is dressed for Zoom school as he calls it. How does the poor teacher keep a straight face with a virtual classroom
of these little goofs???

And here is what’s under the snowboarding goggles and tight lipped smile — no teeth!
Have a good weekend, y’all!