Monday, November 7, 2022

Election Day November 8

  Midterm elections in the United States are on Tuesday. All elections are important but this one is another one that feels especially so. 

   Voting is both a privilege and a responsibility and just in case someone is still thinking about their vote, here is some good advice. 


  1. I hope you don't mind but I stole your "vote as if..." and put it up on facebook!! I feel very strongly that we should all be voting! Luckily my grand daughter (20) feels the same way and is trying to persuade her friends. Her parents , her aunt and her grandparents (us) do too! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow while online as my polling place!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Steal away! I got it from a friend and I think everyone should read it. 😊

  2. Good luck - the World is watching with bated breath !
    Voting is COMPULSORY here in no vote, your bank account suffers!

  3. now it's been "stolen" from my facebook posting by a friend and posted up in Nebraska!!

  4. The sign is quite wonderful, and oh so much to the point. If the Republicans gain control of both houses social justice and democracy itself are over in the United States, and the stage will be set for Herr Trump to return. The mere thought makes me shudder.

  5. Dear Cynthia, it's two days now after the election and I've just come to your sound and wise advice. It says so better than I've ever been able to do the attitude we need to take to the polling booth. Thank you. I didn't listen to or watch the news or read the NYTimes on line from last Friday through the morning. I simply went into my bunker and hoped it hadn't been built by the Nazis. A friend e-mail me today that I could come up for breath and come down on the beach and let myself appreciate the new day we've been given. A chance too keep going in this experiment that began nearly 250 years ago. I now have renewed hope. Peace from Dee Ready

  6. Just read your voting advice. It's perfect and I think a lot of voters followed it this year despite the media's dire predictions of a red wave. My faith in American voters has been restored.

  7. I LOVE your sign. And you can bet we all voted at our house. I just heard about Nevada and breathing a sigh of relief.
