Friday, March 28, 2014


   There is no green yet outdoors, but indoors, I'm working on being green.  Greener. I already do all the common stuff, but this winter has inspired me to try even harder.  So far, my heating bill for this winter is double what it was last winter.  There are a couple reasons.  The number of cold and below zero days set a record, and I'm home more now that I've retired, which means the heat doesn't stay set at 55 degrees all day.
Say hi to Her Majesty.  Her hand is solar powered to give a queenly wave and the solar collector is in her purse.  Since I used to teach British Lit, I often got amazing gifts like this one.  Anyway, she is flanked by two solar powered lights I picked up at the Dollar Store.  Free electricity!  They each have three bulbs and a AA rechargeable battery and do light up a room enough to walk through and find what you're looking for.  I went back for more after I determined they were worth a dollar, but they were all gone.

Here's another project.  When my kids were little, it was very economical to sew most of their clothes, and I enjoyed the creativity of it.  Now the price of fabric and patterns has gone up so much, it's cheaper to buy clothes for my grandsons (although I do have a tradition of making them pajamas for Christmas.).  The baby bibs from the store just weren't doing the job for baby Mason, though, and he needed some bigger thicker ones to keep up with the drool and the baby food sliding down his chin.  I sewed the ones above in a half an hour and they cost a total of 60 cents.  The owl one was made from the sleeves of a pajama top and the green one (says "hug me"!) from a baby blanket from the charity shop.  The snaps on the back came from my grandma's sewing box that I inherited.   

That's our delicate, refined little boy there, chewing on his toes.

So those are my attempts to bring more green into my life.  The green dollars saved all go straight into my travel fund.  That's a good incentive.


  1. Luckily, our heating bill is lower than last year because in Poland winter lasted two weeks. In Europe now is also cheaper to buy babies clothes than sewing them . Your grandson is a lovely boy. I like Elizabeth II her Majesty

  2. It is great to save money where ever you can and to go green at the same time! Happy savings ;-)

  3. Love the solar wave. Those lamps are a real bargain. No wonder they were sold out when you returned.

  4. It's a win win! You save money, and get to use it for your passion! Your grandson is adorable!

  5. When my kids were small I sew a lot too as you did. I never use my sewing machine now anymore. I like the queen, I have seen her here too in a shop, waving all the time ha.ha.

  6. Cute little refined boy. That must have been a worry with the heating Bill being double. Good idea to save green money or a trip.

  7. Well he is a cutie! What nice bibs! I have a travel fund too...and yes heating cost were terrible this winter:(

  8. Loving the Maj! We're trying to be greener as well but with three boys at home it's hard. Don't stress too much over the heating, we did the same when we retired but we slowly chipped away at keeping it down x

  9. About your question about french blogs, I think most of them use english, but some of them double languages. You can always answer in french if you like, I think they appreciate that very much. But with a limited language as dutch too, it is dificult to communicate with others. In my sidebar I have some french blogs, about Menton, Nice, french girl in Seattle.

  10. LOL Love that baby ! :)

    My heating bill is higher too's been much colder here than the last few winters; no wonder. Almost over though, cross fingers! :)
