Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Very Local Lunch

   I like to challenge myself to eat as local as possible and today's lunch is a big winner!

   Cold soup: sorrel and asparagus from my garden, with chicken and broth from my sister and BIL's Chicken Palace*, and clotted cream from the local creamery, clotted by me.

   Rhubarb crumble: rhubarb from my garden, local honey from farmer's market, clotted cream - same as soup. 

Beverage: spearmint tea from right outside the back door.

*Chicken Palace, because it's cozier and fancier than my house!


  1. That's a very creative soup and sounds good. I like rhubarb too!

  2. It seems to me delicious. What a shame I can't taste it,

  3. Looks delicious! Save some for me.

  4. This sounds amazing...have never grown sorrel !

  5. Sounds yummy, looks good! And that's as local as you can get! We've go the tea growing. And chard soup coming up pretty soon!

  6. This really looks wonderful. I love to try local eateries too.
