Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I first became a mother in 1984 and this was my first Mother's Day.  We lived in Caledonia in the far southeastern corner of Minnesota and it looks like we celebrated in a park.

I was was my mom's first.  This isn't her first mother's day photo, but we celebrated everything with a picnic in those days.

These are the other mothers in my life, my auntie and my beloved Gram.  Mom and auntie gave her this Mother's Day card in the 1930s and both signed their full names in careful cursive on the back.
"Who's sweeter than honey,
More precious than money?
I wonder and wonder who?
Who's dearest to me
Of all things that be?
Why Mother dear, that's you."
Wishing you sweet memories of your own moms today and if you are a mom yourself, celebration of the most precious love bond in life.


  1. Happy Mother's Day! I love your pictures. You certainly do not look like you have had a baby in that first picture. You are so tiny and so pretty. Also love the way you and your mom were dressed in the next picture. Just right for a picnic. Clothes were so crisp and fresh looking then. Your mom probably ironed everything as my mom did, and I do now.

  2. Happy Mothers Day to you. We have our Mothers Day on March 15th over here. You were quite a little blondie wasn't you? I love looking at old pictures x

  3. Happy Mother's Day

  4. Those photos evoke such happy memories of times gone by. You are so lucky to have such wonderful reminders. Happy Mother's day.

  5. Cynthia, nice memories. Happy Mothers's Day. In my country Mother's Day is on 26th May.

  6. Happy Mother's Day to you.
    Lovely photos and good memories.

  7. Always nice to see old photo's, so sweet memories.

  8. I'm so glad you had a lovely Mother's Day. It was pretty hectic for us. You look so young as a mother.
